Ballet . Pointe . Character . Jazz . Acro . Contemporary . Hip Hop . Belly Dance Fusion . Conditioning . Tap
JAZZ has become a very popular dance style in recent years, mainly due to its popularity on television shows, in movies, music videos, and commercials. People enjoy watching jazz dancers, as the dancing is fun and energetic. Jazz dancing is a form of dance that showcases a dancer’s individual style and originality. Every jazz dancer interprets and executes moves and steps in their own way. Jazz consists of unique moves, fancy footwork, big leaps, and quick turns. In order to excel in jazz, dancers need to learn technique, an element of grace and balance, and, very importantly, injury prevention. Dance Virtuosa instills ballet, technical, and strength, based skills into every dancer, so they experience the best that Jazz has to offer!
Class Attire
Jazz classes are casual and relaxed, but it’s important to select clothing that is more form fitting. A dancer’s body lines need to be visible, so baggy clothes are less than ideal. Tights and leotards are fine, but most jazz dancers prefer to wear jazz or dance pants. Tops usually worn for jazz include form-fitting tank tops, t-shirts or leotards. Check with your instructor before buying jazz shoes, as many classes have preferences.
Junior Jazz (Age 8-10)
CHARLOTTETOWN / Tuesday 5:40 - 6:40pm
SUMMERSIDE / Saturday 1:50 - 2:50pm
Intermediate Jazz (Age 11-13)
CHARLOTTETOWN / Thursday 5:40 - 6:40pm
SUMMERSIDE / Monday 8:00 - 9:00pm
Senior Jazz (Age 14 & Up)
CHARLOTTETOWN / Wednesday 6:50 - 7:50pm
SUMMERSIDE / Wednesday 5:40 - 6:40pm
Adult Jazz Fusion (Age 19 & Up)
CHARLOTTETOWN / Thursday 8:00 - 9:00pm